STRATUM Q - Your Library's Community Transformation Software
What is the future for self-service libraries? What becomes of the true purpose and value of your library? STRATUM Q provides you the means to balance this future by fully engaging your staff in the transformation efforts of your community. STRATUM Q provides the methodology, the tools, the metrics and the software to not only engage and transform your community, but to define, track and market your library's true value. Based on the breakthrough concepts of Huber's Community Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid comes a software program built to transform your community’s health and well being. Pilots are in progress!
Contact John Huber at (918) 691-7864 or for more information.
Huber's Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid
How can you measure the health and well being of a community if there is no definition of a healthy community? If you have not defined and measured the health and well being of your community, are you not telling your community that it is not important to you? Huber's Community Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid provides you means to show how important your community is by defining and measuring the health of your community. This definition begins at the foundation of the pyramid with safe and secure neighborhoods, followed by health and nutrition. As we climb, the pyramid defines and measures the functional and digital literacy skills of your community. The pyramid then defines and measures your level of community engagement, functional skills development and community contribution. Finally we reach the top where the pyramid defines and measures your community’s level of creative expression, advancement of knowledge, and philanthropy.
National and Local Community Demographics
Your community members and your staff can access Stratum Q from your library's home's website and explore each step of your community pyramid's health. STRATUM Q provides national statistics on the various steps of the pyramid while your staff feeds the specific demographics for each of your neighborhood libraries. For example, by working with your local school librarians, at risk 3rd grade readers can be identified and progress toward reducing the number of at risk 3rd graders can be tracked year in and year out. StratumQ's website links and presents these demographics to your community.
Program Metrics
Everyday your staff's effort transforms your community, however more often than not these efforts are not tracked or valued. STRATUM Q provides you the means to present your program efforts to your community. Click on your local branch neighborhood library and explore the programs the library is engaged in and discover what parts of the community are impacted. For example, every library has story time. If a special program targeted toward at risk 3rd grade readers was developed in coordination with the school librarian, story time hours per at risk 3rd grader can be tracked. Knowing the past years demographics of at risk 3rd graders and the progress your community is making in reducing at risk 3rd graders allows you to assign valuation to your efforts.
Valuation Metrics
Your library provides value to your community every day. However, this value is rarely recognized by your community or your city/county leaders. The value of your library's efforts can be calculated based on the improvements made by your programs targeted at a specific pyramid category. For example, national statistics state that over 8% of all at risk 3rd graders will drop out of high school. Statitistics also state that 60% of high school dropouts end up in prison. We can value the costs of a high school drop out as well as the cost to house a prisoner. For every at risk 3rd grader that your community transforms from an at risk reader provides future value to your community. This value can be calculated and presented to your community through STRATUM Q.